Proper vehicle maintenance is a process that takes time and just a little bit of money. Performing monthly checks of the oil level, tire pressure, and tread wear may take a little time but it can save you a good deal of money in costly repairs. Getting the oil changed in accordance with your vehicle's owner's manual as well as getting your tires rotated and realigned is also an important safety check that can some trouble down the road.
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What are directional tires and wheels? Well, they are tires and wheels that are specifically designed to increase traction, increase your level of safety when driving in extreme weather conditions. With the tire this has to do with tread. The pattern is more aggressive in order to give your vehicle more grip on wet or icy surfaces. While they are louder than regular tires, they are not nearly as loud as chains or snow tires. Most have a pattern that goes in one direction or the other, so car [...more]
Tire rotation is an important part of making sure that your tires are performing their best. If you rotate your tires at the times you should it can help preserve balance and handling. It can also prolong the life of your tires and have performance advantages.
Tires should be rotated anywhere from every 3,000 to 5,000 miles to ensure that tire warranties stay in effect and to keep your tires in top shape. You could keep yourself on schedule by having your tires rotated every time you have the o [...more]