Proper vehicle maintenance is a process that takes time and just a little bit of money. Performing monthly checks of the oil level, tire pressure, and tread wear may take a little time but it can save you a good deal of money in costly repairs. Getting the oil changed in accordance with your vehicle's owner's manual as well as getting your tires rotated and realigned is also an important safety check that can some trouble down the road.
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For most Americans cars are a necessary part of life. We use them to get to work and school, visit family and friends, and enjoy time away. And if our vehicles do go down for maintenance there is usually a scramble to find a ride or pay for a rental until we get our vehicles back. What a headache!
But there is a way to help our vehicle run better and last longer between visits to the mechanic.
[caption id="attachment_2581" align="alignright" width="300"] Car Maintenance[/caption]
One of the b [...more]